Thursday, March 8, 2012

The End of "Something Blue"

I finished the last 200 pages of Something Blue which means that I have now completed the series. The twist at the end of the book surprised me! My prediction about the wedding was right, it was Darcy that got married in the end. I also didn't find out where the title come from until the last five pages too. I'm excited that I've finished and sad that there isn't a sequel.
As I reflect on both Darcy and Rachel, I can't help but notice  the similarities between them and me. I think of myself f a person like Rachel and my friend, I can't help but notice, reminds me of Darcy. They're both outgoing, talkative, and just so darn funny. Rachel, like myself, is a more keep it to yourself person. My friend and I are complete opposites but we always have a blast when we hang out. Rachel and Darcy's friendship was destroyed at the end of  "Something Borrowed" but was finally restored with a single phone call after the birth of Darcy's twins in England. I'm glad to see the two are civil again after such a harsh departure; the book couldn't have ended in any better way. I'd definitively recommend this series to anyone out there looking for a read on friendship. It taught me an importance life long lesson on friendships.

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