Thursday, April 12, 2012

Notes 2 & 3

The Notebook (2004)

In the blockbuster classic, "The Notebook," director Nick Cassavetes captures the colorful fall scenery everyone thinks when the word autumn is involved. Opening with the orange leaves of the shedding trees glowing in front of the sunlight, the main characters Allie and Noah, seem to be in a calm, relaxed state. The still water and gracefully floating, migrating birds represent the formal, awkward conversations between the characters in the beginning of the clip. Just like how the migrating birds will return to their homes after winter, Allie is for the first time in years returning to meet Noah creating an awkward atmosphere in this scene. As the scene progresses, roaring thunders interrupt the young couple just before the rain pours down in buckets. This transition between calm and hectic parallels the change in their attitude towards each other. They become more passionate and frenzied. The peaceful setting of the fall leaves in this alteration of both scene and relationship characterize the beauty of love which foreshadows what is yet to come.  

Fall, leaves, fall
By: Emily Jane Bronte

In "Fall, leaves, fall" by Emily Bronte, the urgency for the next season winter is depicted by the speaker's want for the leaves to fall and the flowers to die away. Even though the speaker seems to be waiting for the adventures involved with  winter, the joys of fall are not ignored as "every leaf speaks bliss[fully]."  Fall is the only season where leaves are "fluttering from the autumn tree[s]," bringing color to our usually dull, bland canvas of life. Fall is the transitional season where it goes from hot to cold, light to dark. It introduces winter and the speaker just cannot wait until he will be able to "smile when wreaths of snow" appear. The demanding tone stating, "fall, leaves, fall,"  represents the need for a new season that will allow people to start afresh, clear the palate. Fall introduces a new season, a new time for change, something the speaker desires.


  1. Claim- 2

    We loved your topic, and you did a wonderful job sorting out what you observed. Your use of quotations created a flow between your discussion and support. We found a few weaker verbs, but that's about it! Great job, looking forward to your next work.

  2. We agree with the above comment and would like to add that you won regionals! congrats. xx
